ROCATI is the first cryptocurrency linked to a concrete good: real estate properties
The ROCATI project – the world’s first cryptocurrency linked to a tangible asset: the home – comes just when the real estate market has reached its lowest point in modern history. ROCATI Limited brings together leading experts in the real estate and financial sectors with a single objective in mind; offering everyone the possibility to buy a primary asset – if not the prime asset – by eliminating all the problems that people have with accessing credit.
The project has various areas of application; it offers the opportunity to buy and sell property in cryptocurrency, makes it possible to obtain 100% of the value of a home and includes a refurbishment plan for the apartments to give everyone the chance to shape their home to fit their specific needs.
The ROCATI Limited project has two operational parts: the ITARCO real estate agency and architecture firms that will carry out all the refurbishment projects. In this way, anyone wishing to purchase a home through the project will be able to count on a pool of trade experts tasked with matching buyers with the property of their dreams. This system, which will revolutionise the real estate sector, was primarily set up to offer everyone the opportunity to buy a home, ensuring that young couples will no longer experience problems creating a happy family unit that is fully embodied in the family home.
Anyone committing to this project, will no longer waste their financial resources by paying rent, because though spending the same amount of money they will become the owners of their own home. This will become a driving force to relaunch the real economy, the only true wealth of any country. A home is an asset that carries a large part of any country’s GDP and many sectors will benefit.
ROCATI is the only cryptocurrency in the world to reach out to citizens, where every single token sold represents a brick that will be used to lay the foundations for a solid future.
How to purchase a home through ROCATI Limited:
- The potential homeowner will head to a branch of the ITARCO estate agency where they will be shown a portfolio of properties, including any applicable finishing and/or refurbishment projects, in virtual reality.
- Once the home has been chosen and the sales agreement reached, the buyer will request access to credit in the form of ROCATI from ROCATI Limited, the latter in turn will check whether the couple or individual have the necessary requisites to start procedures.
- If the entire cost of the property is held in ROCATI, it will be possible for the buyer to continue purchase proceedings. Should the entire cost not be held in ROCATI, it will be possible to request from ROCATI Limited enough cryptocurrency to make up the balance.
- Having checked the requisites for access to the ROCATI needed, ROCATI Limited will issue the entire value of the property in ROCATI in terms of the transferable agreement as specified further herein.
How to sell a home with ROCATI Limited:
- The potential seller of the property will head to a branch of ITARCO estate agency to put up his/her immoveable property up for sale.
- Having identified a buyer, the estate agent will assist the buyer and the seller in the home acquisition process.
- Upon receipt of the ROCATI, the seller has a number of possible options at his disposal.
- The seller can:A. Exchange all or part of the ROCATI received into fiat currency, thus making the cryptocurrency available and on market;B. keep the entire sum of ROCATI received and manage it independently for future use;C. use the ROCATI received to make other real estate purchases;D. can use the ROCATI received to make other real estate purchases
ROCATI COMPANY: bougth the house for the buyer without losing share capital.
- THE BUYER: bougth the house without downpayment.
- THE SELLER: sold the property faster thanks to ROCATI COMPANY financed 100% the buyer that did not need downpayments.
- After three years, the property can be redeemed
- The maximum loan covers 80% of the value
- A deed is drawn up after three years
- It is a rental contract with a redeem option
- If the house is not redeemed, the rent that was paid is lost
Transferable Agreement
- Full use of the property is available starting on the first day
- The loan covers 100% of the value, including renovations
- A deed is drawn up after all installments are paid off
- It is a purchase contract
- The transferable agreement can be sold, therefore it allows to recoup all installments paid so far
The Transferable agreement is a contract through which ROCATI Limited grants the use of a property to the buyer for a certain period of time; when such term expires, the individual pays the last installment and becomes the owner of the asset.
There are numerous advantages to buying in ROCATI. The ICO is carried out to collect minimise resources in order to realise buyers’ dreams. By making the property accessible through the use of ROCATI removes the burden of paying rent, which is paid by the majority of citizens in countries all around the world. The Company envisages sales transactions to increase exponentially, guaranteeing an advantage to those buying in advance. One of the key strengths of ROCATI Limited arises from the fact that the use of ROCATI shall be restricted solely to transacting in the real estate.
Why can ROCATI Limited play a key social role and effectively mitigate its risks?
When the notary public transfers the ROCATI to the seller, whereby the latter can exchange same in fiat currency. The system is designed to annul the negative effects of a thirty-year transaction, aims to cancel property bubbles and prevents cryptocurrency devaluations.
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